2017 Resolutions and Motions
The following resolutions and motions were considered by the NSSLHA Executive Council in 2017.
EC 09-2017
RESOLVED, That NSSLHA grow non-dues revenue through ASHA's email list sales channel.
Approved: 10-0-0
EC 08-2017
RESOLVED, That a $5,000 contribution to the ASHFoundation be conditionally made based upon NSSLHA's 2017 operating net income being at least $5,091 before the contribution is made. The $5,091 reflects a $5,000 contribution plus $91, which is the 2017 budgeted surplus.
Approved: 8-0-0
EC 07-2017
RESOLVED, That the Executive Council approves the second round of the 2017–2018 Student State Officer (SSO) slate.
Approved: 10-0-0
EC 06-2017
RESOLVED, That the Executive Council selects 3 American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHFoundation) NSSLHA Scholarship awardees.
Approved: 9-0-0
EC 05-2017
RESOLVED, That the Executive Council approves the questions for the new NSSLHA Scholarship for undergraduate students.
Approved: 9-0-0
EC 04-2017
RESOLVED, That the Executive Council approves the 2017–2018 Student State Officer (SSO) slate.
Approved: 9-0-0
EC 03-2017
RESOLVED, That the incoming 2018 National Advisor serves a 2-year term, rather than a 3-year term.
Approved: 9-0-0
EC 02-2017
RESOLVED, The Executive Council appointed Dr. Sonja Pruitt-Lord as the NSSLHA National Advisor.
Approved: 11-0-0
EC 01-2017
RESOLVED, The Executive Council voted on the slate for the 2017–2019 NSSLHA Executive Council.
Approved: 8-0-0